

Hiking to Machu Picchu? How to Prepare

There are many ways to get to Machu Picchu and now that the National Park is open to tourists again, we wanted to answer a few common questions about hiking into this magical place.  How long does it take to hike to Machu Picchu? There are several ways to hike to Machu Picchu and it… Read More >

Is it “safe” to travel to Peru right now?

Here are a few things to consider before you plan your trip. Peru is still seeing new cases of COVID-19 daily, but most of the cases are found in the hot spots of Lima and other coastal towns.  The Peruvian government has taken steps to limit exposure in these areas by requiring both masks and… Read More >

Free Admission to Machu Picchu? Here are the Facts

As we enter week 9 of Peru’s state of emergency, there finally does appear to be some end in sight.  The most recent quarantine extension will last through May 24th and it is expected to be lifted this time in a phased approach.  While there has not been any communication about what the phased approach… Read More >

Discovering Machu Picchu’s Backyard

If you’ve heard of Machu Picchu, chances are good that you’ve probably heard of the Inca Trail too.  It’s fantastic that this historic trail has gotten so much attention, but we’re finding most people now think that hiking the Inca Trail is the only way to get to Machu Picchu.  I am here today to… Read More >

How to Avoid the Crowds on the Inca Trail

By now, everyone has heard of the Inca Trail – the legendary trek leading to the lost city of the Incas – Machu Picchu.  This incredible trail takes you through some of the most amazing scenery in the Andes and passes massive Inca sites you’ve likely never heard of. Typically, people complete this trek in… Read More >

Mamacha Carmen – The Biggest Peruvian Festival You’ve Never Heard of

If you’ve been doing your research on Peru, it’s likely that you’ve heard of the huge sun festival called Inti Raymi that occurs every June.  But did you know there’s another huge festival down the road from Cusco in July? There is a town on the eastern slope of the Andes called Paucartambo (pronounced: pow-car-tom-bo)… Read More >

Tips to Fight Altitude Sickness

When people find out that we plan trips to Peru, 90% of the time the first follow-up question is “How do people handle the altitude?” Unfortunately there isn’t one simple fix to guarantee you won’t get altitude sickness.  We have had ultra-marathoners get terrible altitude sickness while self-described “couch potatoes” feel no effects of elevation… Read More >

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